An earthquake with Seismic intensity of 5-lower has occurred.
Turn off all sources of fire.
Turn on the TV and radio, and stay calm.
An earthquake with Seismic intensity of 5-lower has occurred.
Turn off all sources of fire.
Turn on the TV and radio, and stay calm.
January 13th, 2025, 9:21 P.M. JST Announcement.
Earthquake occurrence time 2025-January-13th 9:19 P.M. JST
The Seismic intensity of 5-lower earthquake occurred in Miyazaki Prefecture southern plain.
【Seismic intensity of 5-lower】Miyazaki Prefecture northern plain, Miyazaki Prefecture southern plain
【seismic intensity4】 Miyazaki Prefecture northern along a mountain, Along the southern mountain of Miyazaki Prefecture, Chikugo, Fukuoka Prefecture, Southern Saga Prefecture, Kumamoto Prefecture Aso, Kumamoto Prefecture Kumamoto, Kuma, Kumamoto Prefecture, Kumamoto Prefecture Amakusa・Ashikita, Central Oita Prefecture, Southern Oita Prefecture, Western Oita Prefecture, Satsuma, Kagoshima Prefecture, Osumi, Kagoshima Prefecture
【seismic intensity3】 Northern Oita Prefecture, Nan-yo, Ehime Prefecture, Western Kochi Prefecture, Southwestern Nagasaki Prefecture , Shimabara Peninsula, Nagasaki Prefecture
2025年1月13日21時21分 発表
地震発生時刻 2025年1月13日21時19分
【震度5弱】宮崎県北部平野部 宮崎県南部平野部
【震度4】宮崎県北部山沿い 宮崎県南部山沿い 福岡県筑後 佐賀県南部 熊本県阿蘇 熊本県熊本 熊本県球磨 熊本県天草・芦北 大分県中部 大分県南部 大分県西部 鹿児島県薩摩 鹿児島県大隅
【震度3】大分県北部 愛媛県南予 高知県西部 長崎県南西部 長崎県島原半島
An earthquake with Seismic intensity of 5-lower has occurred.
Turn off all sources of fire.
Turn on the TV and radio, and stay calm.
January 13th, 2025, 9:21 P.M. JST Announcement.
Earthquake occurrence time 2025-January-13th 9:19 P.M. JST
The Seismic intensity of 5-lower earthquake occurred in Miyazaki Prefecture southern plain.
【Seismic intensity of 5-lower】Miyazaki Prefecture northern plain, Miyazaki Prefecture southern plain
【seismic intensity4】 Miyazaki Prefecture northern along a mountain, Along the southern mountain of Miyazaki Prefecture, Kumamoto Prefecture Aso, Kumamoto Prefecture Kumamoto, Kuma, Kumamoto Prefecture, Kumamoto Prefecture Amakusa・Ashikita, Southern Oita Prefecture, Satsuma, Kagoshima Prefecture, Osumi, Kagoshima Prefecture
【seismic intensity3】 Central Oita Prefecture, Western Oita Prefecture
2025年1月13日21時21分 発表
地震発生時刻 2025年1月13日21時19分
【震度5弱】宮崎県北部平野部 宮崎県南部平野部
【震度4】宮崎県北部山沿い 宮崎県南部山沿い 熊本県阿蘇 熊本県熊本 熊本県球磨 熊本県天草・芦北 大分県南部 鹿児島県薩摩 鹿児島県大隅
【震度3】大分県中部 大分県西部
Earthquake early warning
A big earthquake has just occurred.
A big earthquake has just occurred.
This is a test of J alert.
There will be a J-Alert Nationwide Simultaneous Information Transmission System Test to prepare for the occurrence of an earthquake, tsunami, or armed attack at around 11 A.M. today.
The test voice will be broadcast from all disaster prevention administrative radio speakers, disaster prevention radio and official city SNS except for the analog radio stations (Tano area, part of Sadowara) in Miyazaki City.
Please be careful cause it is not actual information on the disaster.
*This is Miyazaki City Disaster Prevention Office.
This is training*
November 4th, 2024, 9:18 A.M. JST
A major tsunami warning has been announced.
Coastal Area of Kyushu region
Those who are in coastal areas or along rivers should immediately evacuate to safe places such as high ground or evacuation buildings.
*We are currently conducting disaster prevention drills in preparation for a potential disaster.
*This is Miyazaki City Disaster Prevention Office.
This is training*
November 4th, 2024, 9:15 A.M. JST Announcement.
The seismic intensity 7 earthquake occurred in Miyazaki Prefecture southern plain.
【seismic intensity7】 Miyazaki Prefecture southern plain
Please take action to protect yourself and pay attention to future information.
*We are currently conducting disaster prevention drills in preparation for a potential disaster.
2024年11月4日09時15分 発表
This is Disaster Prevention Miyazaki City Hall.
Please be aware that we will be sending out training information twice today with the following content.
■Schedule : Monday, November 4th
■ 1st time: Around 9:15am
【Earthquake early warning】
*Let’s conduct a shakeout drill!
■2nd time: Around 9:18 a.m.
【major tsunami warning】
*Please check safe evacuation routes and locations!
▼For more information, please click here.
■日 付:11月4日(月曜日)