[Miyazaki City] evacuation order Issued 【宮崎市】避難指示の発令について

August 28th, 0:20 P.M.
[alert level 4] evacuation order Issued
[Reason] Risk of landslides
[Affected areas]
[ Takaoka ] 飯田(いいだ)自治会(じちかい), 丸山(まるやま)自治会(じちかい), 東区(ひがしく)自治会(じちかい), 井上(いのうえ)自治会(じちかい), 町(まち)自治会(じちかい), 中村(なかむら)自治会(じちかい), 五区(ごく)自治会(じちかい), 西区(にしく)自治会(じちかい), 川原田(かわはらだ)自治会(じちかい), 赤谷(あかたに)自治会(じちかい), 高浜(たかはま)自治会(じちかい), 楠見(くすみ)自治会(じちかい), 丸山北(まるやまきた)団地(だんち)自治会(じちかい), 粟野(あわの)自治会(じちかい), 中山(なかやま)自治会(じちかい), 上新田(かみしんでん)自治会(じちかい), 下新田(しもしんでん)自治会(じちかい), 原田(はっだ)自治会(じちかい), 南城寺(なんじょうじ)自治会(じちかい), 板ケ八重(いたがはえ)自治会(じちかい), 田中(たなか) Neighborhood Association, 押田(おしだ)自治会(じちかい), 梁瀬(やなぜ)自治会(じ
ちかい), 深水(ふかみず)自治会(じちかい), 丸山(まるやま)東(ひがし)団地(だんち)自治会(じちかい) Landslide Warning Area

Those who are in danger, such as those who live in an area at risk of landslides, please evacuate to shelter or a safe place such as a relative’s or friend’s house immediately.
Please take personal items such as enough food supplies for several days and masks with you when evacuating.

▼ Evacuation from here

8月28日 12時20分



[Miyazaki City] evacuation of elderly people and others Issued 【宮崎市】高齢者等避難の発令について

August 28th, 0:00 P.M.
[alert level 3] evacuation of elderly people and others Issued
[Reason] There is a risk of heavy rain, flooding, and landslides.
[Affected areas]

Check the dangers in your area and current location,
・elderly and physically disabled persons
・Those with small child
・Those who need time to evacuate, such as the elderly or disabled, and their carers.
If you are in an area expected to be inundated by flooding, a landslide warning area, or a dangerous area, please evacuate immediately to an evacuation shelter or the home of a safe relative or acquaintance.
Please take personal items such as foods, beverages and masks with you when evacuating.

【Evacuation sites (opened)】
[ Chuo higashi ] Miyazaki higashi District Community Center, [ Ikime ] Ikime Minami District Community Center (old Ikume Minami Community Center ), Ikime District Exchange Center, [ Odo ] Odo Elementary School, [ Kibana ] Kibana District Community Center (old Kibana Community Center ), Kagamizu Elementary School, Miyazaki University, Kibana Junior High School, [ Sadowara ] Sadowara General Cultural Center, Sadowara District Exchange Center, Nakachiku Community Center, [ Otsukadai ] Miyazakinishi Elementary School, [ 本郷(ほんごう) 】 本郷(ほんごう) Neighborhood Exchange Center (formerly Hongo Community Center ), 【 Ikimedai 】 Ikimedai Nishi Elementary School, 【 Komatsudai 】 Komatsudai Elementary School, 【 Akae 】 Akaechiiki Center, Akae Junior High School, Akae Elementary School, Southern Region Memorial Gymnasium, 【 Kiyotake 】 Kiyotake District Exchange Center, Kiyotake General Welfare Center, Kano District
Exchange Center, 【 Omiya 】 Heiwagaokajichi Community Center, Omiya Neighborhood Exchange Center (formerly Omiya Community Center ),【 Aoki 】 Central Community Center, Miyazaki City Sogo Gymnasium, Aoki Regional Exchange Center (old Aoki Community Center ),【 Chuo nishi 】 Miyazaki Municipal University(Gymnasium), Minamikyushu University・Minami Kyushu Junior College, 【 Tano 】 Tano Regional Exchange Center (old Tano Cultural Hall ),【 大淀(おおよど) 】 Miyazaki City Sogo Welfare And Health Center, Furujo Rojinikoinoie, 【 Sumiyoshi 】 Sumiyoshi Regional Exchange Center (old Sumiyoshi Community Center ),【 青島(あおしま) 】 Aoshima District Exchange Center, Uchiumi Elementary School, 【North】 Uryuno Elementary School, Kuraoka Elementary School, 【 東大宮(おおみや) 】 東大宮(おおみや) District Exchange Center (formerly 東大宮(おお
みや) District Community Center),【 Otsuka 】 Otsuka District Exchange Center (formerly Otsuka Community Center ),【 Takaoka 】 Takaoka Exchange Plaza, Kyusarukawa Elementary School, Takaoka District Exchange Center (formerly Takaoka District Rural Environment Improvement Center ), Miyazaki City Nogyo Danchi Center

▼For evacuation shelters, please click here

8月28日 12時00分




Landslide warning information 土砂災害警戒情報

August 28th, 2024, 11:50 A.M. JST Announcement.
A landslide warning information has been announced for Miyazaki City.

【Alert area】
Miyazaki City*
The * mark indications the newly alarmed area.

2024年8月28日11時50分 発表


Training rainband(s) information 線状降水帯に関する情報

August 28th, 2024, 11:43 A.M. JST Announcement.

In Miyazaki Prefecture through the 30th, please be on high alert for landslides, flooding of low-lying areas, rising and overflowing rivers, high waves with swells, and strong winds.
A linear precipitation band is expected to continue through the night of the 29th, increasing the risk of heavy rain disasters.
A special heavy rain warning may also be issued.

2024年8月28日11時43分 発表


Notice of evacuation shelter scheduled to open at 12:00 (all areas of Miyazaki City ) 12時開設予定の避難所のお知らせ(宮崎市全域)

As Typhoon No. 10 approaches, there is a risk of increased heavy rain, flooding, and landslides, so evacuation shelters will be opened throughout Miyazaki City at 12:00 on Wednesday, August 28th.
When evacuating, please bring food, drinking water, etc. with you.

The following evacuation shelters are scheduled to open:
[ Chuo higashi ] Miyazaki higashi District Community Center, [ Chuo nishi ] Miyazaki Municipal University Gymnasium, Minamikyushu University・Minami Kyushu Junior College, [ Odo ] Odo Elementary School, [ Omiya ] Omiya Community Center (formerly Omiya Community Center), Heiwagaokajichi Community Center, [ 東大宮(おおみや) ] 東大宮(おおみや) Community Center (formerly 東大宮(おおみや) Community Center), [ Aoki ] Aoki Address $16}} Community Center (former Aoki Community Center ), Miyazaki City Chuo Community Center, Miyazaki City Sogo Gymnasium, [ 大淀(おおよど) ] Miyazaki City Sogo Welfare And Health Center, Furujo Rojinikoinoie, [ Otsuka ] Otsuka Community Center (former Otsuka Community Center ), [ Otsukadai ] Miyazakinishi Elementary School, [ Ikimedai ] Ikimedai Nishi Elementary School, [ Komatsudai ] Komatsudai Elementary School, [ Akae ] Akaechiiki Center, Southern Region Memorial Gymnasium, Akae Elementary School, Akae Junior High School [
本郷(ほんごう) ] Miyazaki City 本郷(ほんごう) Community Center (old Hongo Community Center, [ Kibana ] Kibana Community Center (old Kibana Community Center ), Kibana Junior High School, Kagamizu Elementary School, Miyazaki University, [ 青島(あおしま) ] Aoshima District Exchange Center, Uchiumi Elementary School, [ Sumiyoshi ] Sumiyoshi Community Center (old Sumiyoshi Community Center ), [ Ikime ] Ikime District Exchange Center, Ikime South District Community Center (old Ikume Minami Community Center ) [North] Uryuno Elementary School, Kuraoka Elementary School, [ Sadowara ] Sadowara General Cultural Center, Sadowara District Exchange Center, Nakachiku Community Center, [ Tano ] Tano District Community Center (old Tano Cultural Hall ), [ Takaoka ] Takaoka District Community Center (old Takaoka District Rural Environment Improvement Center ), Takaoka Exchange Plaza, Kyusarukawa Elementary School, Agricultural Complex Center, [ Kiyotake ] Kiyotake General Welfa
re Center, Kiyotake District Exchange Center, Kano District Exchange Center



Weather warning, advisory 気象警報・注意報

August 28th, 2024, 8:12 A.M. JST Announcement.
A heavy rain warning (landslade disaster) has been announced.

【Miyazaki City】
Heavy rain warning
High-wave warning
Thunderstorm Advisory
High wind advisory
Flood advisory

2024年8月28日08時12分 発表


Training rainband(s) information 線状降水帯に関する情報

August 28th, 2024, 5:40 A.M. JST Announcement.

In Miyazaki Prefecture through the 30th, please be on high alert for landslides, flooding of low-lying areas, rising and overflowing rivers, high waves with swells, and strong winds.
There is a risk of a sharp increase in the danger level of heavy rainfall disasters due to a training rainband(s) which will develop through the night of the 29th in the Miyazaki Prefecture.

2024年8月28日05時40分 発表


Weather warning, advisory 気象警報・注意報

August 28th, 2024, 3:58 A.M. JST Announcement.
A high-wave warning and Flood advisory has been announced.

【Miyazaki City】
High-wave warning
Heavy rain advisory
Thunderstorm Advisory
High wind advisory
Flood advisory

2024年8月28日03時58分 発表


Training rainband(s) information 線状降水帯に関する情報

August 27th, 2024, 11:40 P.M. JST Announcement.

In Miyazaki Prefecture through the 30th, please be on high alert for landslides, flooding of low-lying areas, rising and overflowing rivers, strong winds, and high waves accompanied by swells.
There is a risk of a sharp increase in the danger level of heavy rainfall disasters due to a training rainband(s) which will develop through the night of the 28th in the Miyazaki Prefecture.

2024年8月27日23時40分 発表


Training rainband(s) information 線状降水帯に関する情報

August 27th, 2024, 5:25 P.M. JST Announcement.

In Miyazaki Prefecture, please be on high alert for landslides, flooding of low-lying areas, rising and overflowing rivers, strong winds, and high waves accompanied by swells until around the 30th.
In Miyazaki Prefecture, a linear precipitation band may occur between the night of the 27th and the night of the 28th, causing a sudden increase in the risk of heavy rain disasters.

2024年8月27日17時25分 発表
