Designated river flood infromation (Oyodo River upstream) 指定河川洪水情報(大淀川上流部)

August 28th, 2024, 11:10 P.M. JST Announcement.
The flood alert advisory has been announced for upstream of the Oyodo River.

Flood warning
[Level 3 Alert Information [Flood]] The evacuation water level has been reached in the Oyodo River upstream area, and is expected to reach the flood danger level in the future.

[equivalent to alert level 3]This is a guideline for issuing an evacuation of elderly people and others.
The water level reached the “evacuation warning water level” at the Takeshita Water Level Station in Oyodo River (Miyakonojo City).
It is expected to reach the “warnig water level” in the future, and may be equivalent to Alert level 4, which is the guideline for issuing evacuation orders.
There is a risk of overflow due to break the river bank in Oyodo River, and Miyakonojo City may be inundated.
Pay attention to municipal evacuation information and take all necessary action to protect yourself.

2024年8月28日23時10分 発表



Weather warning, advisory 気象警報・注意報

August 28th, 2024, 10:54 P.M. JST Announcement.
A storm warning has been announced.

【Miyazaki City】
Heavy rain warning
Flood warning
Storm warning
High-wave warning
Thunderstorm Advisory

2024年8月28日22時54分 発表


Designated river flood infromation (Oyodo River upstream) 指定河川洪水情報(大淀川上流部)

August 28th, 2024, 10:10 P.M. JST Announcement.
The flood alert advisory has been announced for upstream of the Oyodo River.

Flood warning (Announcement)
【equivalent to alert level 3 information [flood]】The water level in upstream of Oyodo River is expected to remain over warnig water level.

[equivalent to alert level 3]This is a guideline for issuing an evacuation of elderly people and others.
The Takeshita Water Level Station (Miyakonojo City) in Oyodo River is expected to reach the “warnig water level” at around 0 A.M. on 29th, and may become equivalent to Alert level 4, which is the standard for issuing evacuation orders.
There is a risk of overflow due to break the river bank in Oyodo River, and Miyakonojo City may be inundated.
Pay attention to municipal evacuation information and take all necessary action to protect yourself.

2024年8月28日22時10分 発表



[ Miyazaki City ] Regarding the opening of additional evacuation shelters 【宮崎市】避難所の追加開設について

Evacuation orders have now been issued for the entire area of Miyazaki City.
We have newly opened the Welfare Center at [ Chuo higashi ] Miyazaki City Education Information Training Center, [ Sadowara ] 佐土原(さどわら)地域(ちいき) as an evacuation shelter.
When evacuating, please take emergency supplies such as food with you and remain calm while checking for safety.

▼Please check here for currently open evacuation shelters.



[ Miyazaki City ] Regarding the opening of additional evacuation shelters 【宮崎市】避難所の追加開設について

Evacuation orders have now been issued for the entire area of Miyazaki City.
We have newly opened the following evacuation shelters: [ Kibana ] Natural Recreation Village Center, [ Sadowara ] Hirose District Exchange Center, , [ 本郷(ほんごう) ] Hongo Junior High School, Miyazaki Prefecture Shobogakko, , and [ Takaoka ] Tomonimanabu Mori Administration Building.
When evacuating, please take emergency supplies such as food with you and remain calm while checking for safety.

▼Please check here for currently open evacuation shelters.



Training rainband(s) information 線状降水帯に関する情報

August 28th, 2024, 5:00 P.M. JST Announcement.

In Miyazaki Prefecture through the 30th, please be on high alert for landslides, flooding of low-lying areas, rising and overflowing rivers, high waves with swells, and strong winds.
A linear precipitation band is expected to continue through the night of the 29th, increasing the risk of heavy rain disasters.
A special heavy rain warning may also be issued.

2024年8月28日17時00分 発表


[ Miyazaki City ] Regarding the opening of additional evacuation shelters 【宮崎市】避難所の追加開設について

Evacuation orders have now been issued for the entire area of Miyazaki City.
We have opened new evacuation shelters at [ Sumiyoshi ] Hirohara Gymnasium, and [ Kiyotake ] Kiyotake Elementary School, Kano Elementary School, Miyazaki Gakuen Junior College.
When evacuating, please take emergency supplies such as emergency food with you and evacuate calmly while checking for safety.

▼Please check here for currently open evacuation shelters.



[Miyazaki City] evacuation order Issued 【宮崎市】避難指示の発令について

August 28th, 3:00 P.M.
[alert level 4] evacuation order Issued
[Reason] Heavy rains may cause landslides and floods
[Affected areas]

If you are in a dangerous area, please evacuate immediately to a shelter or the home of a safe relative or acquaintance.
Please take personal items such as enough food supplies for several days and masks with you when evacuating.

The additional evacuation shelters that will be opened are as follows:
【Evacuation sites (opened)】
[ Ikime ] Ikimenomori Undo Park Gymnasium, [ Sumiyoshi ] Sumiyoshi Children’s Center, [ 東大宮(おおみや) ] Miyazaki Higashi Elementary School

▼Click here for information on currently open evacuation shelters, etc.

8月28日 15時00分




[Miyazaki City] evacuation order Issued 【宮崎市】避難指示の発令について

August 28th, 1:14 P.M.
[alert level 4] evacuation order Issued
[Reason] Risk of landslides
[Affected areas]
Landslide hazard area in [ 大淀(おおよど) ] 古城町(ふるじょうちょう), 北川内町(きたかわうちちょう)

Those who are in danger, such as those who live in an area at risk of landslides, please evacuate to shelter or a safe place such as a relative’s or friend’s house immediately.
Please take personal items such as enough food supplies for several days and masks with you when evacuating.

▼For evacuation shelters, please click here

8月28日 13時14分



Weather warning, advisory 気象警報・注意報

August 28th, 2024, 1:18 P.M. JST Announcement.
A Flood warning has been announced.

【Miyazaki City】
Heavy rain warning
Flood warning
High-wave warning
Thunderstorm Advisory
High wind advisory

2024年8月28日13時18分 発表
