[ Miyazaki City ] Nationwide simultaneous information transmission test usi ng disaster prevention administrative radio

There will be a J-Alert Nationwide Simultaneous Information Transmission System Test to prepare for the occurrence of an earthquake, tsunami, or armed attack at around 11 A.M. today.
The test voice will be broadcast from all disaster prevention administrative radio speakers, disaster prevention radio and official city SNS except for the analog radio stations (Tano area, part of Sadowara) in Miyazaki City.
Please be careful cause it is not actual information on the disaster.

Point seismic intensity seismic intensity 4 地点震度 震度4

January 15th, 2025, 2:17 A.M. JST Announcement.
Earthquake occurrence time 2025-January-15th 2:12 A.M. JST
Epicenter north latitude of Hyuga Sea , 31.7 ° east longitude, 131.9 ° depth, 30 km
Earthquake scale M5.4
【seismic intensity4】 Miyazaki City 松橋(まつばし)
【seismic intensity3】 Miyazaki City 霧島(きりしま), Miyazaki City Tanocho Gymnasium Miyazaki City 高岡町(たかおかちょう)内山(うちやま), Miyazaki City 清武町(きよたけちょう)船引(ふなひき)
【seismic intensity2】 Miyazaki City Tano Branch Office Miyazaki City 佐土原町(さどわらちょう)下田島(しもたじま)

There is no risk of a tsunami.

2025年1月15日02時17分 発表
地震発生時刻 2025年1月15日02時12分
震源地 日向灘 北緯31.7度 東経131.9度 深さ30km
地震の規模 M5.4
【震度3】宮崎市霧島 宮崎市田野町体育館 宮崎市高岡町内山 宮崎市清武町船引
【震度2】宮崎市田野支所 宮崎市佐土原町下田島


Earthquake information 地震情報

January 15th, 2025, 2:15 A.M. JST Announcement.
Earthquake occurrence time 2025-January-15th 2:12 A.M. JST
The seismic intensity 4 earthquake occurred in Miyazaki Prefecture southern plain.

【seismic intensity4】 Miyazaki Prefecture southern plain
【seismic intensity3】 Miyazaki Prefecture northern plain, Miyazaki Prefecture northern along a mountain, Along the southern mountain of Miyazaki Prefecture, Kumamoto Prefecture Kumamoto, Kumamoto Prefecture Amakusa・Ashikita, Satsuma, Kagoshima Prefecture, Osumi, Kagoshima Prefecture

2025年1月15日02時15分 発表
地震発生時刻 2025年1月15日02時12分

【震度3】宮崎県北部平野部 宮崎県北部山沿い 宮崎県南部山沿い 熊本県熊本 熊本県天草・芦北 鹿児島県薩摩 鹿児島県大隅

Earthquake information 地震情報

January 15th, 2025, 2:14 A.M. JST Announcement.
Earthquake occurrence time 2025-January-15th 2:12 A.M. JST
The seismic intensity 4 earthquake occurred in Miyazaki Prefecture southern plain.

【seismic intensity4】 Miyazaki Prefecture southern plain
【seismic intensity3】 Miyazaki Prefecture northern plain, Miyazaki Prefecture northern along a mountain, Along the southern mountain of Miyazaki Prefecture, Kumamoto Prefecture Amakusa・Ashikita, Satsuma, Kagoshima Prefecture, Osumi, Kagoshima Prefecture

2025年1月15日02時14分 発表
地震発生時刻 2025年1月15日02時12分

【震度3】宮崎県北部平野部 宮崎県北部山沿い 宮崎県南部山沿い 熊本県天草・芦北 鹿児島県薩摩 鹿児島県大隅

[Miyazaki City]About Closure of Evacuation Sites 【宮崎市】避難所の閉鎖について

The evacuation shelters set up at the following facilities will be closed.

[Evacuation sites to be closed]
[ Sumiyoshi ] Sumiyoshi District Exchange Center ( Former Sumiyoshi Community Center ), [ Kibana ] Kibana District Exchange Center ( Kyu Kibana Community Center ), [ 青島(あおしま) ] Aoshima District Exchange Center, [ 本郷(ほんごう) ] Hongo District Exchange Center ( Kyu Hongo Community Center ), [ Akae ] Akaechiiki Center, Nambu kinen Gymnasium, [ Aoki ] Central Community Center, Aoki Community Center (former Aoki Community Center )



[Miyazaki City] Cancellation of evacuation order 【宮崎市】避難指示の解除について

January 14th, 0:00 A.M.
Evacuation orders lifted

The tsunami warning was lifted at 11:50 p.m. on January 13th, and the evacuation orders have now been lifted.
Please look out for further weather updates.

1月14日 00時00分


Tsunami warning・advisory 津波警報・注意報

January 13th, 2025, 11:50 P.M. JST Announcement.
The tsunami advisory has been canceled for Miyazaki Prefecture.

Coastal areas where tsunami warning and advisory have been issued

Expected arrival time and height of the tsunami
Miyazaki Prefecture

2025年1月13日23時50分 発表



Nankai Trough Earthquake Emergency Information (survey completed) 南海トラフ地震臨時情報(調査終了)

January 13th, 2025, 11:45 P.M. JST Announcement.

The Japan Meteorological Agency has released information related to the Nankai Trough earthquake.
▼For more information, please click here.

2025年1月13日23時45分 発表


[ Miyazaki City ] Regarding the opening of additional evacuation shelters 【宮崎市】避難所の追加開設について

Evacuation orders are currently in place for coastal areas, including coastal embankments.
As a result, we have opened an additional evacuation shelter, the [ Aoki ] Central Community Center, Aoki Community Center (formerly Aoki Community Center ).
Please evacuate with the following items you have prepared: drinks, food, a mask, disinfectant wipes, a thermometer, etc.
▼Click here to check for open evacuation shelters.
